Arkansas Correctional

Industries Online Catalog

Arkansas Correctional Industries Online Catalog

Providing quality goods and services at competitive prices.

Liquid Floor Finish Stripper, Non-Ammoniated (Gallon)


Packaged/Sold 4 gallons per case.


ACI’s Floor Finish Stripper removes all waxes and metal interlocked floor finishes quickly, safely and economically.

When used as directed, it will quickly liquefy finish buildups, allowing for easy pickup with mop or wet vac.  This product does not contain any acids, caustics, or abrasives.

It is non-flammable and has no irritating ammonia fumes.  This stripper can be used on all types of floors not harmed by water.

It is slow foaming and free rinsing, which makes it very desirable to use in automatic scrubbers.  This product works well in hard or soft water.

Best results are obtained with a floor machine.  Floor stripper is rose colored with a mild scented fragrance.

SDS Sheets