Arkansas Correctional

Industries Online Catalog

Arkansas Correctional Industries Online Catalog

Providing quality goods and services at competitive prices.

State Seal Of Arkansas – Painted


*If you would like this item customized further, please use the contact form.


State Seal is carved and made of MDF wood. State Seal is 48″. Made with embossed gold.

State Seal is perfect to hang in your agency, office, or school.

We can customize the seal to fit your needs. Put your agency, organization, or school on the seal. Please use the contact form above to customize.

All furniture items are constructed of solid oak and cabinet grade plywood. Select models also include integrated metal. All tops are made with high pressure wood grain patterned laminate, while doors, if so equipped, and are a solid oak raised panel design. Our entire line of furniture carries a lifetime warranty against defective materials and workmanship (unless purchased second hand). Lifetime warranty is only good for original purchaser.